Bible study 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Wednesday 7PM
Jesus invites all to come to Him. All who are weary and
are heavy-laden, and He will give you rest. (Mt 11:28) There are friendly Christians to help
you learn God’s word. It is God’s good pleasure to be found by all who long for Him in
honest, obedient love.
Bible classes start at 9:30 and end at 10:15. The worship starts at 10:30 at ends
around 11:45. Worship consists of singing, prayer, scripture reading, partaking of the
Lord’s Supper, a collection, and a sermon from God’s word.
Worship is showing respect and includes how we dress. We
should dress modestly, and discreetly. We don’t have to have expensive clothing
You can sit anywhere you wish. Or you can ask the usher to seat
Downstairs to the right and at the rear of the foyer for
disabled and elderly.
Children love our bible classes. We have a nursery for