Who We Are: Christians.
We are a church family. We are a friendly church that promotes Christian love. We are
followers of Jesus Christ and are committed to serving God and helping others come to
know Him.
What We Believe: The Bible.
The whole Bible. We need the Bible today more than ever. We read, teach, study and preach
the Bible. God’s word is relevant and applicable today.
What We Offer: Spirituality.
▪ Bible preaching that is uplifting, encouraging, and challenging.
▪ Bible classes that are informative, practical, inspiring for all ages.
▪ An atmosphere for building better character and nurturing better homes.
▪ Worship that is enthusiastic, reverent and God-centered.
▪ A spiritual family committed to God, each other and, sharing the good news about Jesus.
Where We're Growing: Always Abounding in the work of the Lord.
▪ To love more like Jesus loved.
▪ To be joyful and thankful.
▪ To be devoted servants.
▪ To have a zeal for saving souls.